The Company

Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) Company Limited (referred as "Taikang Asset (Hong Kong)" or "the Company"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Taikang Asset Management Co., Ltd. (referred as "Taikang Asset"), was established in November 2007.  The current registered capital is HKD300 million.

Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) has been licensed by the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong for Type 9 - Asset Management, Type 4 - Advising on Securities, and Type 1 - Dealing in Securities related activities, and obtained the QFII, RQFII and Hong Kong Stock Investment Advisory Services qualifications.  The Company's business scope is expanded to publicly offered investment products.

Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) has been widely recognized by onshore and offshore clients for excellent investment performance and professional client services. The types of offshore customers served by Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) are mainly insurance companies in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, as well as central bank and sovereign fund in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. In addition, Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) also serves overseas high-net-worth and retail customers through local banks, securities firms, and independent wealth management platforms in Hong Kong.

In 2022, Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) successfully entered the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) market in Hong Kong, providing comprehensive solutions for pension funds and becoming one of the few Chinese asset management firms to manage pension funds actively.

Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) inherits parent company's investment philosophy "Research Drives Forward Investment, Professionalism Creates Values".  Both companies share the resources of research and investment.

Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) is responsible for Taikang Asset's overseas investment management businesses and forms an important international asset allocation channel for Taikang Assets and serving overseas customers.  With extensive collaboration, expertise and competitive advantages leveraging with its parent company and Taikang Insurance Group's of companies in asset management, investment and research areas.  In Hong Kong, Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) is a strategic platform for internationalization.  The workforce has dynamic background from international and Chinese asset managements, investment banks, financial industry and possesses professional qualifications in FRM, CFA, CPA & CESGA.



Taikang Asia Income Retirement Fund received the HKCAMA • Bloomberg - 2022 Offshore Chinese Fund Most Innovative Product Award.

Taikang Kaitai Overseas Short Tenor Bond Fund received Asia Asset Management - 2023 Best of the Best Awards | Asian Bond 3 Years; ranked the first for 1-year and 3-year performance (as of end 2022) in overseas bond fund category (investment outside China) by Wind-HKCAMA (Chinese Asset Management Association of Hong Kong).



Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) awarded Asia Asset Management - 2022 Best of the Best Awards | China Best Equity Manager.


Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) has joined Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).


Taikang Insurance Group joined the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) as a whole, including its three subsidiary insurance companies (Taikang Life, Taikang Pension, and TK.CN) as asset owners, and its professional asset management institutions, Taikang Asset and Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) as asset managers.



Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) awarded the Achiever Award, Responsible Corporation with Good Performance on Governance.


Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) joined International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN).


Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) passed ISAE 3402 Type II certification.



Registered as a Hong Kong institution providing Hong Kong equity investment advisory services by the Asset Management Association of China (AMAC).


Launched its first equity mutual fund in Hong Kong.



Obtained securities advice and asset management licenses from the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in Korea.


Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) launched its 1st SFC-authorized fund – Taikang Kaitai China Corporate Bond Fund in Hong Kong.


Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) was granted China Interbank market (CIBM) access right; CIBM quota reached RMB 7.4 billion as of February 9th, 2015.



Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) was granted RQFII license; RQFII quota reached RMB 7.4 billion as of August 21st, 2014.


Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) was granted QFII license; QFII quota reached USD 300 million as of September 30th, 2014.


Passed the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) of accounting firm PwC ®) Independent verification.



In September 2011, Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) completed incremental capital injection and the company's registered capital increased to HK$ 300,000,000.


On April 12, 2011, the 3rd sub-fund under the Kaitai International Funds SPC started investment operation.


On January 13, 2011, Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) completed incremental capital injection and the company's registered capital increased to HK$ 150,000,000 from HK$ 15,000,000.


Issued the first Cayman private fund.



On July 10, 2009, Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) was licensed by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) for Type 4 (Advising on Securities) regulated activity.


On August 7, 2008, Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) was licensed by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) for Type 9 regulated activity (Asset Management).



On November 9, 2007, Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) was incorporated.


On July 19, 2007, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) approved the establishment of Taikang Asset (Hong Kong).

Company Culture

The Company deeply understands that integrity is the cornerstone of a modern financial enterprise, and reputation is the most valuable intangible asset of the Company.  It has built a system of integrity management from various aspects such as business philosophy, management system and corporate culture, and established a good image in the industry.

The Company emphasizes on building a strong company culture, advocates the enterprise culture with "the maximization of company values at the core and the investment performance of mandates as the most important target", and forms a set of core values "pursuit of excellence, professionalism and standardization, transparency and efficiency, continuity of learning and communication and collaboration".

Company Mottos : Realism and Innovation, Steadiness and Progression
Professionalism and Standardization, Affinity and Integrity
Construct Teams, Achieve Self-actualization
Share Successes, Contribute to Society
Core Values : Integrity, Steadiness, Innovation, Sharing
Business Philosophy : Steady Progress, Standardized Operation,Integrity Management, Prudent & Efficient
Core Development Strategy : Specialization, Standardization, Internationalization

The Company's strategic plan: We strive to develop third-party asset management business while maintaining the core competitiveness in the traditional investment field.  We steadily advance strategic development investment and overseas investment, continuously improve investment management and risk control capabilities, and to promote the Company into a domestic first-class, professional, standardized and internationalized asset management organization with international standards.  Ultimately become a professional and far-sighted long-term asset manager.

Investment Team

Taikang Asset (Hong Kong) has always regarded talents as the core momentum of development since establishment.  Over the years, the Company has built up a relatively experienced investment team, of which most are investment or research professionals with over 10 years of relevant and abundant working experience and track record in macro economies, quantitative analysis and investment, equity investment and fixed income investment and multiple assets class.  The team consists of investment veterans and undergraduates with CFA, FRM, FCCA, CPA and CESGA.

Registration Information

Name and Abbreviation

Company Chinese Name : 泰康资产管理(香港)有限公司
Company English Name : Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd.
Abbreviation : Taikang Asset (Hong Kong)
Registered Capital : HK$300 million
Registered Place of Business : Hong Kong
Date of Establishment :
November, 2007

Contact Us

  • Address: 39/F Bank of China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Hong Kong


  • Tel:+852-39755100